Explore sample model documentation


September 4, 2024

First, let’s take a look at how the ValidMind handles model documentation. The best place to start is with the ValidMind Platform UI.

An image showing the ValidMind Platform UI main dashboard

The ValidMind Platform UI is the central place to:

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  1. Click Model Inventory.

  2. Locate or search for the [QuickStart] Customer Churn Model and select it.

    An image showing the main page for the QuickStart Customer Churn Model

    On the model overview page that opens, you can find important information about the model, such as:

    • The use case
    • The owners, validators, developers, and business unit associated with the model
    • The risk tier, model status, and current version
    • Model findings, recent activity, and much more

    In the left sidebar, you can find helpful links to the model documentation, model findings, validation report, (activity) archive, and getting started information for integrating with the ValidMind Developer Framework.

    Note that the model status is In Initial Validation. This is the status that a model starts in as part of the default workflow. You can click See workflow to visualize the entire workflow that this model will go through.

  3. In the left sidebar, select Documentation > 2. Data preparation > 2.1. Data description.

    An image showing the data description page in the platform UI

    • This content is generated by the ValidMind Developer Framework and provides information about the dataset used, including histograms, information about dataset quality, and test results.
    • Sections that need your attention get flagged with Requires Attention. These sections get flagged automatically whenever a test result is above or below a certain threshold.
  4. In the left sidebar, select 3. Model Development and any of the subsections to see information that has been uploaded by the developer framework about:

    • Model training
    • Model evaluation
    • Model explainability and interpretability
    • Model diagnosis

    If you expand the ValidMind Insights™ right sidebar, the documentation guidelines can tell you more about what these sections mean and help you with the task of documenting the model as a developer. If you are a validator, this is also where you can add findings.

  5. Finally, take a look at section 4. Monitoring and Governance.

    Sections like 4.1 Monitoring Plan are not generated by the developer framework, but they get added by the model developer in the platform UI. You can add both new text and test sections, called blocks to your model documentation.

What’s next

Continue with Register your first model to learn more about using the ValidMind Platform UI hands-on.