July 22, 2024

Release highlights

On top of our increased support for tests and arrays in the ValidMind Developer Framework and our first ValidMind Academy training modules, we’ve introduced customizable model workflows, new role functionality, and new report types.

Support for comparison tests

An important addition to the ValidMind Developer Framework, you can now run comparison tests with the developer framework. This feature is useful when you want to run the same test against multiple combinations of models or datasets. A comparison test creates a single documentation block that compares the individual results.

Here’s a demonstration of how comparison tests work:

An animated GIF showing a comparison test being run in a notebook.

Comparison test

The updated run_test() function allows you to pass an input_grid which runs a test for all combinations of inputs.

Input grid example

input_grid = {
    "model": ["XGBoost"],
    "dataset": ["train_dataset", "test_dataset"],

A test runs once for each of the following input groups:

"model": "XGBoost",
"dataset": "train_dataset"

"model": "XGBoost",
"dataset": "test_dataset"

Example function calls

from validmind.tests import run_test

input_grid = {
    "model": ["XGBoost"],
    "dataset": ["train_dataset", "test_dataset"],

result = run_test(

result = run_test(

result = run_test(

Customizable model workflows

You can now manage lifecycle processes within your ValidMind Platform UI setup using customizable model workflows. You use these workflows to match your organizational needs for overseeing model development, validation, or implementation activities.

Default workflows are provided for you as suggestions. You can customize the following default workflows:

  • Model documentation
  • Inventory model

Here’s a demonstration of how the user interface lets you configure a model workflow:

A gif workflow step configuration


Support for 2D arrays in add_extra_column

With enhancements to the VMDataset class, the add_extra_column method now supports adding 2D arrays as single columns in the dataset’s DataFrame. These changes ensure that 2D arrays are stored in a single column without altering the DataFrame structure.

Usage example:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# sample DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'A': [1, 2, 3],
    'B': [4, 5, 6]

# sample 2D array
array_2d = np.array([
    [1, 2],
    [3, 4],
    [5, 6]

vm_dataset = vm.init_dataset(


Add new role functionality

Users with the Create_Role permission can now add a new role under Settings Roles: Work with roles in the ValidMind Platform UI

New report types

We added a number of new report types:

  • Number of models by business unit and tier
  • Number of models by status
  • Avgerage number of days models spend in a status
  • Models by number of findings

Try our reports in the ValidMind Platform UI

Bug fixes

Updated test descriptions

We fixed a number of missing test descriptions that were caused by a scripting issue: Read our test descriptions


New training collateral

We’re introducing the first training modules that are part of our ValidMind Academy training program for:

  • Model developers
  • Model validators
  • Administrators

Our training modules are interactive. They combine instructional content with our live product and are easy to use.