
Evaluates the order of integration and stationarity of time series data using Zivot-Andrews unit root test.

Purpose: The Zivot-Andrews Arch metric is used to evaluate the order of integration for a time series data in a machine learning model. It’s designed to test for stationarity, a crucial aspect in time series analysis where data points are not dependent on time. Stationarity means that the statistical properties such as mean, variance and autocorrelation are all constant over time.

Test Mechanism: The Zivot-Andrews unit root test is performed on each feature in the dataset using the ZivotAndrews function from the arch.unitroot module. This function returns the Zivot-Andrews metric for each feature, which includes the statistical value, p-value (probability value), the number of used lags, and the number of observations. The p-value is later used to decide on the null hypothesis (the time series has a unit root and is non-stationary) based on a chosen level of significance.

Signs of High Risk: - A high p-value can suggest high risk. This might indicate that there’s insufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis, which would mean the time series has a unit root and is therefore non-stationary. - Non-stationary time series data can lead to misleading statistics and unreliable machine learning models.

Strengths: - The Zivot-Andrews Arch metric dynamically tests for stationarity against structural breaks in time series data, offering robust evaluation of stationarity in features. - This metric is especially beneficial with financial, economic, or other time-series data where data observations lack a consistent pattern and structural breaks may occur.

Limitations: - The Zivot-Andrews Arch metric assumes that data is derived from a single-equation, autoregressive model. It may, therefore, not be appropriate for multivariate time series data or data which does not align with the autoregressive model assumption. - It might not take into account unexpected shocks or changes in the series trend which can both have a significant impact on the stationarity of the data.