
Identify overfit regions in a model’s predictions.

This test compares the model’s performance on training versus test data, grouped by feature columns. It calculates the difference between the training and test performance for each group and identifies regions where the difference exceeds a specified threshold.

This test works for both classification and regression models and with a variety of performance metrics. By default, it uses the AUC metric for classification models and the MSE metric for regression models. The threshold for identifying overfit regions defaults to 0.04 but should be adjusted based on the specific use case.


  • model (VMModel): The ValidMind model object to evaluate.
  • datasets (List[VMDataset]): A list of two VMDataset objects where the first dataset is the training data and the second dataset is the test data.


  • metric (str, optional): The performance metric to use for evaluation. Choose from: accuracy’, ‘auc’, ‘f1’, ‘precision’, ‘recall’, ‘mse’, ‘mae’, ‘r2’, ‘mape’. Defaults to ‘auc’ for classification models and ‘mse’ for regression models.
  • cut_off_threshold (float, optional): The threshold for identifying overfit regions. Defaults to 0.04.