
Plot actual vs predicted values for time series data and generate a visual comparison for each model.

Purpose: The purpose of this function is to visualize the actual versus predicted values for time series data across different models.

Test Mechanism: The function iterates through each dataset-model pair, plots the actual values from the dataset, and overlays the predicted values from each model using Plotly for interactive visualization.

Signs of High Risk: - Large discrepancies between actual and predicted values indicate poor model performance. - Systematic deviations in predicted values can highlight model bias or issues with data patterns.

Strengths: - Provides a clear visual comparison of model predictions against actual values. - Uses Plotly for interactive and visually appealing plots. - Can handle multiple models and datasets, displaying them with distinct colors.

Limitations: - Assumes that the dataset is provided as a DataFrameDataset object with a datetime index. - Requires that dataset.y_pred(model) returns the predicted values for the model. - Visualization might become cluttered with a large number of models or datasets.