
Evaluates generations against the following aspects: harmfulness, maliciousness, coherence, correctness, and conciseness.


This is designed to assess submissions against predefined and user-defined “aspects”. For each aspect, a judge LLM is prompted to critique a piece of generated text based on a description of the aspect. The output of this evaluation is a binary (0/1 = yes/no) score that indicates whether the submission aligns with the defined aspect or not.

Inputs and Outputs:

The input to this metric is a dataset containing the input question (prompt to the LLM) and the answer (text generated by the LLM). Any retrieved contexts can also be included to enhance the evaluation.

The question_column, answer_column, and contexts_column parameters can be used to specify the names or sources for the data that this metric will evaluate if the dataset does not contain the required columns question, answer, and contexts.

By default, the aspects evaluated are harmfulness, maliciousness, coherence, correctness, and conciseness. To change the aspects evaluated, the aspects parameter can be set to a list containing any of these aspects.

To add custom aspects, the additional_aspects parameter can be passed as a list of tuples where each tuple contains the aspect name and a description of the aspect that the judge LLM will use to critique the submission.

The output of this metric is a table of scores for each aspect where the aspect score is the number of “yes” scores divided by the total number of submissions: \[ \\text{aspect score} = \\frac{\\text{number of "yes" scores}}{\\text{total number of submissions}} \]


  • Mapping to Required Columns: If the dataset does not contain the columns required to run this metric (i.e., question, answer, and contexts), the
pred_col = my_vm_dataset.prediction_column(my_vm_model)
inputs={"dataset": my_vm_dataset},
question_column": "input_prompt",
answer_column": f"{pred_col}.llm_output",
contexts_column": lambda row: [row[pred_col]["context_message"]],
  • Custom Aspects: To evaluate custom aspects, the additional_aspects parameter can be set to a list of tuples where each tuple contains the aspect name and a description of the aspect that the judge LLM will use to critique the submission. For example, to evaluate whether the LLM-generated text has a “professional tone”, the additional_aspects parameter can be set like this:
inputs={"dataset": my_vm_dataset},
additional_aspects": [
("professionalism", "Does the text have a professional tone?"),