
Purpose: This test provides the prediction distributions from the reference dataset and the new monitoring dataset. If there are significant differences in the distributions, it might indicate different underlying data characteristics that warrant further investigation into the root causes.

Test Mechanism: The methodology involves generating Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) plots for the prediction probabilities from both the reference and monitoring datasets. By comparing these KDE plots, one can visually assess any significant differences in the prediction distributions between the two datasets.

Signs of High Risk: - Significant divergence between the distribution curves of the reference and monitoring predictions - Unusual shifts or bimodal distribution in the monitoring predictions compared to the reference predictions

Strengths: - Visual representation makes it easy to spot differences in prediction distributions - Useful for identifying potential data drift or changes in underlying data characteristics - Simple and efficient to implement using standard plotting libraries

Limitations: - Subjective interpretation of the visual plots - Might not pinpoint the exact cause of distribution changes - Less effective if the differences in distributions are subtle and not easily visible