
Assesses and visualizes the statistical significance of features in a set of regression models.

Purpose: The Regression Feature Significance metric assesses the significance of each feature in a given set of regression models. It creates a visualization displaying p-values for every feature of each model, assisting model developers in understanding which features are most influential in their models.

Test Mechanism: The test mechanism involves going through each fitted regression model in a given list, extracting the model coefficients and p-values for each feature, and then plotting these values. The x-axis on the plot contains the p-values while the y-axis denotes the coefficients of each feature. A vertical red line is drawn at the threshold for p-value significance, which is 0.05 by default. Any features with p-values to the left of this line are considered statistically significant at the chosen level.

Signs of High Risk: - Any feature with a high p-value (greater than the threshold) is considered a potential high risk, as it suggests the feature is not statistically significant and may not be reliably contributing to the model’s predictions. - A high number of such features may indicate problems with the model validation, variable selection, and overall reliability of the model predictions.

Strengths: - Helps identify the features that significantly contribute to a model’s prediction, providing insights into the feature importance. - Provides tangible, easy-to-understand visualizations to interpret the feature significance. - Facilitates comparison of feature importance across multiple models.

Limitations: - This metric assumes model features are independent, which may not always be the case. Multicollinearity (high correlation amongst predictors) can cause high variance and unreliable statistical tests of significance. - The p-value strategy for feature selection doesn’t take into account the magnitude of the effect, focusing solely on whether the feature is likely non-zero. - This test is specific to regression models and wouldn’t be suitable for other types of ML models. - P-value thresholds are somewhat arbitrary and do not always indicate practical significance, only statistical significance.