
Assesses the significance of each feature in a model by evaluating the impact on model performance when feature values are randomly rearranged.

Purpose: The purpose of the Permutation Feature Importance (PFI) metric is to assess the importance of each feature used by the Machine Learning model. The significance is measured by evaluating the decrease in the model’s performance when the feature’s values are randomly arranged.

Test Mechanism: PFI is calculated via the permutation_importance method from the sklearn.inspection module. This method shuffles the columns of the feature dataset and measures the impact on the model’s performance. A significant decrease in performance after permutating a feature’s values deems the feature as important. On the other hand, if performance remains the same, the feature is likely not important. The output of the PFI metric is a figure illustrating the importance of each feature.

Signs of High Risk: - The model heavily relies on a feature with highly variable or easily permutable values, indicating instability. - A feature, deemed unimportant by the model but based on domain knowledge should have a significant effect on the outcome, is not influencing the model’s predictions.

Strengths: - PFI provides insights into the importance of different features and may reveal underlying data structure. - It can indicate overfitting if a particular feature or set of features overly impacts the model’s predictions. - The metric is model-agnostic and can be used with any classifier that provides a measure of prediction accuracy before and after feature permutation.

Limitations: - The feature importance calculated does not imply causality, it only presents the amount of information that a feature provides for the prediction task. - The metric does not account for interactions between features. If features are correlated, the permutation importance may allocate importance to one and not the other. - PFI cannot interact with certain libraries like statsmodels, pytorch, catboost, etc, thus limiting its applicability.