
Plots individual scatter plots for pairwise combinations of t-SNE components of embeddings.

Purpose: This function creates scatter plots for each pairwise combination of t-SNE components derived from model embeddings. t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) is a machine learning algorithm for dimensionality reduction that is particularly well-suited for the visualization of high-dimensional datasets.

Test Mechanism: The function begins by extracting embeddings from the provided dataset using the specified model. These embeddings are then standardized to ensure that each dimension contributes equally to the distance computation. Following this, the t-SNE algorithm is applied to reduce the dimensionality of the data, with the number of components specified by the user. The results are plotted using Plotly, creating scatter plots for each unique pair of components if more than one component is specified.

Signs of High Risk: - If the scatter plots show overlapping clusters or indistinct groupings, it might suggest that the t-SNE parameters (such as perplexity) are not optimally set for the given data, or the data itself does not exhibit clear, separable clusters. - Similar plots across different pairs of components could indicate redundancy in the components generated by t-SNE, suggesting that fewer dimensions might be sufficient to represent the data’s structure.

Strengths: - Provides a visual exploration tool for high-dimensional data, simplifying the detection of patterns and clusters which are not apparent in higher dimensions. - Interactive plots generated by Plotly enhance user engagement and allow for a deeper dive into specific areas of the plot, aiding in detailed data analysis.

Limitations: - The effectiveness of t-SNE is highly dependent on the choice of parameters like perplexity and the number of components, which might require tuning and experimentation for optimal results. - t-SNE visualizations can be misleading if interpreted without considering the stochastic nature of the algorithm; two runs with the same parameters might yield different visual outputs, necessitating multiple runs for a consistent interpretation.