
Plot the residuals and histograms for each model, and generate a summary table with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test results.

Purpose: The purpose of this function is to visualize the residuals of model predictions and assess the normality of residuals using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.

Test Mechanism: The function iterates through each dataset-model pair, calculates residuals, and generates two figures for each model: one for the time series of residuals and one for the histogram of residuals. It also calculates the KS test for normality and summarizes the results in a table.

Signs of High Risk: - If the residuals are not normally distributed, it could indicate issues with model assumptions. - High skewness or kurtosis in the residuals may indicate model misspecification.

Strengths: - Provides a clear visualization of residuals over time and their distribution. - Includes statistical tests to assess the normality of residuals.

Limitations: - Assumes that the dataset is provided as a DataFrameDataset object with a .df attribute to access the pandas DataFrame. - Only generates plots for datasets with a datetime index, and will raise an error for other types of indices.