
Evaluates the performance of clustering machine learning models using multiple established metrics.


The ClusterPerformanceMetrics test is used to assess the performance and validity of clustering machine learning models. It evaluates homogeneity, completeness, V measure score, the Adjusted Rand Index, the Adjusted Mutual Information, and the Fowlkes-Mallows score of the model. These metrics provide a holistic understanding of the model’s ability to accurately form clusters of the given dataset.

Test Mechanism:

The ClusterPerformanceMetrics test runs a clustering ML model over a given dataset and then calculates six metrics using the Scikit-learn metrics computation functions: Homogeneity Score, Completeness Score, V Measure, Adjusted Rand Index (ARI), Adjusted Mutual Information (AMI), and Fowlkes-Mallows Score. It then returns the result as a summary, presenting the metric values for both training and testing datasets.

Signs of High Risk:

  • Low Homogeneity Score: This indicates that the clusters formed contain a variety of classes, resulting in less pure clusters.
  • Low Completeness Score: This suggests that class instances are scattered across multiple clusters rather than being gathered in a single cluster.
  • Low V Measure: This would report a low overall clustering performance.
  • ARI close to 0 or Negative: This implies that clustering results are random or disagree with the true labels.
  • AMI close to 0: It means that clustering labels are random compared with the true labels.
  • Low Fowlkes-Mallows score: Signifies less precise and poor clustering performance in terms of precision and recall.


  • Provides a comprehensive view of clustering model performance by examining multiple clustering metrics.
  • Uses established and widely accepted metrics from scikit-learn, providing reliability in the results.
  • Able to provide performance metrics for both training and testing datasets.
  • Clearly defined and human-readable descriptions of each score make it easy to understand what each score represents.


  • It only applies to clustering models; not suitable for other types of machine learning models.
  • Does not test for overfitting or underfitting in the clustering model.
  • All the scores rely on ground truth labels, the absence or inaccuracy of which can lead to misleading results.
  • Does not consider aspects like computational efficiency of the model or its capability to handle high dimensional data.